It is present day. The world has learned of many new races. When the new races came to earth, every virus ever known to man, or any other race for that matter. These have all become one virus. The virus is known as the ultimate virus.There is no cure, and no way to stop it. Only a selcted few of people from many different races can survive. They have a spectacular immunity to this ?imate Virus??he virus is easily smelt from a mile away. It reaks of long dead corpses. It is also visible. Though it floats like a is still able to inject itself into any body in any way. A guild started by Keldon Leech Virus and Spyder called the ?us Surpassers??e seeking these immune individuals. Once they have all come together...they can destroy the virus! Though the virus has come...everything looks and feels exactly the same. The stores are still open and running. Everybody still has sex...if they want. Everything is the same as it was. Though it is like this, you must be careful on which way you turn. The virus could lurk anywhere. The shattone, reptaliens, velentours, and the vampyres are the only races that are COMPLETELY immune to the virus...but even they could die of suffication. Though the virus is surpassing through creatures systems, the other races are NOT the most trustworthy. Watch your back at all times. The virus can also NEVER take the healthy. Make sure you stay healthy. So good luck in your quest for survival!